I'm Amanda Riffee.

Corporate leader, Event Speaker, Podcast host, happy wife, mom of two, loyal friend, and Certified Executive & Success Coach.

why do I coach Female Business Leaders?

because it's friggin' important.

As women, we have a lot on our shoulders.  We have so many competing priorities and a never ending to-do list.  We want success, but we feel lost and out of balance trying to fit in with the male leaders we've seen come before us.  The workforce is changing, and success doesn't look the same way it used to.

My mission is to help you create your own next level of success.  One that aligns with your values and passions.  You have the ability to bring back fun and enjoyment to your career, while creating powerful results, and leading in a way that feels authentic to who you are.

We have the power to break down barriers and create the future of leadership.

Your road to dreamy success begins here.

I've been there...

As a mom, wife and career-driven person, I know what it's like to have a million competing priorities and feel like you’re just making it through the day.

“I am a mom, so I have to give 100% of myself to my family.”
“Doing things for myself is SELFISH.”
“I need to work late every night, so I can prove my worth.”
“I’m too busy to worry about my health.”
“Who am I to think I could do that?”
"I can't bring my emotions to work."
"Checking in on work when I'm off shows my dedication."
"Being busy is a badge of honor."
"If I see success I will outshine others and make them feel bad."
"I need everyone to like me, even if that means giving too much of myself."
"The only way to get to the top is to sacrifice my personal relationships." 
"I can't have a career AND be a good mom."

These are all lies I used to tell myself.

I have done so much inner work to overcome those thoughts. This has allowed me to create success for myself that I didn’t even know was possible. I have big dreams for my career and keep making them a reality. The old me would never believe it.

Now I have made it my mission to guide other career-driven women to lead more authentically too, and help them find success beyond their wildest dreams. 

Let's make someday today. Together, we'll create a career you love.

Fun Facts

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let's do it

I invest in myself,
so I can invest in you.

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