"Before our session, I felt foggy, unclear, and confused in my career path. Even before our session, Amanda sent some tools that helped me gain clarity. During our session, Amanda helped me make breakthroughs that I believe will make a huge impact on the future of my business. Some things seem so confusing until a professional is able to break it down simply and help you understand the root problem. That's exactly what Amanda did for me. If you're considering booking with Amanda, I would say she is worth her weight in gold.  "

"If you're considering booking with Amanda, I would say she is worth her weight in gold."

"During a recent coaching session, Amanda walked me through a major limiting belief that I've held for a very long time about myself and brought about a level of awareness that I hadn't yet reached on my own.

She helped me identify some big blind spots and also guided me through all the B.S. that my brain has been convincing me was “true” for way too long.

She helped me dig deeper and deeper to better understand where I've been getting in my own way, and helped me craft an action plan towards proving this limiting belief wrong. These aligned actions have been cultivating my confidence and clarity as I continue to move forward.

I'm so grateful for the depth of awareness that Amanda provided me and such a safe space to express my innermost fears. To anyone who is feeling stuck or frustrated at not being able to push through to their next level, I would highly recommend them to connect with Amanda!"

"To anyone who is feeling stuck or frustrated at not being able to push through to their next level, I would highly recommend them to connect with Amanda!"

"I got the chance to attend Amanda’s Unleashing You Live event at the beginning of the year and it was nothing short of amazing. Amanda has an amazing heart and a contagious smile! She makes you feel comfortable!

During this event, I felt motivated, uplifted, and connected to all of the people in the room. She provided a safe space for everyone to open up and it was definitely a day to remember.

I also had the opportunity to do some coaching sessions with her and that was a really great experience! Amanda is so extremely motivating and she really does believe that anything is possible. Highly recommend attending one of her events or setting up some coaching calls with her if you are at a point in your life where you feel stuck or you are just wanting something more to help you move to the next step. Definitely a big fan!!"

"Highly recommend attending one of Amanda's events or setting up coaching calls with her.
Definitely a big fan!"

"Amanda is a phenomenal listener and gave me fantastic tips to improve my performance and how to handle difficult situations. This was done while creating a safe yet challenging environment. The sessions were very informative and interesting. I now have more confidence in myself and feel more in control of situations and events in my life and at work. I believe in myself more, feel less afraid to make mistakes and I know I can achieve what I set out to do. "

"I believe in myself more, feel less afraid to make mistakes and I know I can achieve what I set out to do."

"When I first started my coaching sessions with Amanda I was like ok can she really help me? The answer is YES!! Right out of the gate, she was focused on me and only me. She listened to what I wanted and needed and then helped me to achieve those goals. She really made me see things from a different perspective which has helped me both at work and at home. Amanda asked some challenging questions which helped me to open up and become a better leader for my team."

"She listened to what I needed and then helped me achieve those goals."

"I have a very busy and stressful 9-5 and two part-time jobs. I felt like I didn't have time to focus on the areas of my life that are important to me like time with friends, my own dreams, or prioritizing my wellness and downtime.  I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck.      
This is where Amanda stepped in. 

I've never received coaching before, and I couldn't believe how much Amanda was focused only on me and my growth and dreams.  Amanda's coaching is all about her clients and their personal passions and future. She is so great to talk to and inspired me to finally take action on a big dream I've had my entire life.   I learned so much about myself and my future-self through this process.  I am staying focused on my dreams, and I now know exactly what I need to do to get there. Just do it. 

You can be anything you have ever dreamed of and these coaching sessions with Amanda definitely showed me I am so much more than I thought I am and ever could be.

I am very grateful for the time we spent on each session and I feel like I have also found a friend in her, who is the first one to be very supportive of my dreams and actually wants to know about my life. I've realized that if it is not me changing my life who else is going to do it? 

I will definitely continue working with Amanda and learn even more about myself through my sessions with her."

"Amanda's coaching is all about her clients and their personal passions and future. She is so great to talk to and inspired me to finally take action on a big dream I've had my entire life."

"When I reached out to Amanda I was feeling stuck in my career, relationship, and overall health and well-being.  I didn't realize how much these areas were connected.  Through working with Amanda,  I learned new tools to pull myself out of my rut and hit the ground running again in the right direction for my life! What a difference!   I am now in a completely different place in my life and tackling my goals one by one.  I know how to prioritize my needs and work with my cycle and energy to accomplish more with much less effort.  Now, I understand there will be days when I feel like Superwoman getting things done, and other days when I can focus on rest without feeling guilt.  Through coaching, I feel empowered to live a life that I create for myself.  What a fantastic feeling!" 

"Through working with Amanda, I learned new tools to pull myself out of my rut and hit the ground running again in the right direction for my life! What a difference!"

“ I had just received very discouraging news at work.  This news had a significant impact on my life, and I was wrestling with a lot of uncertainty and negative thoughts. I'm not an anxious person by nature, but could feel my anxiety building.... and knew that getting in front of it would be critical for my own well-being. Through my time with Amanda I was able to get clear on the things that are important to me and what I need and want out of my future. That clarity helped me approach my life from a new perspective. Our coaching engagement has been an incredibly valuable investment in myself that helped me find balance and prioritize myself so I can show up better for all those that rely on me.”

"Through my time with Amanda I was able to get clear on the things that are important to me and what I need and want out of my future."

“ Since I’ve started working with Amanda, the effectiveness and impact of my work have undergone a tremendous transformation. Her coaching focuses on techniques that empower you through challenging old thought processes with an innovative approach.

With Amanda’s guidance I’ve become more aware of creating and nurturing relationships within my organization. She’s helped me identify and implement new strategies that are allowing me to take my career to a different level. Highly recommended.”


“ I have truly enjoyed coaching with Amanda. In only a few sessions I was already so much clearer on what I want for myself and the steps I need to take.  These next steps will not only help me in my career, but also in my personal growth.

I am someone who puts everyone else's needs before my own, and working on boundaries was especially helpful for me. I learned so much more about what this means and how to approach it in a way that feels comfortable for me.

Coaching has helped me feel more confident and empowered to live a life aligned with who I am. I am excited to continue my coaching journey with Amanda in the months to come. ”

"In only a few sessions I was already so much clearer on what I want for myself and the steps I need to take to help me in both my career and my personal growth."

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